Ardene Gets GHG Certified with Climate Smart

All big things start with small steps. Today, we are celebrating the result of many small steps that have led to a certification in Greenhouse Gas Mapping through our partners at Climate Smart.

In just over six months, we measured all of Ardene’s CO2 emissions from stores to product shipping, and head office operations. We even measured our daily commutes! We have been on a journey to find out where our company stands, and today we can proudly say we have a map and a charted course for reduction.

Climate Smart is a social enterprise that enables organizations like Ardene to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to help them transition to a prosperous, low-carbon future. Climate Smart helped us tackle this complex process, and together we will move forward with a tangible, measurable plan to reduce our emissions.

CO2 emissions represent only one part of the story, of course. To complement our GHG efforts, our teams are continually brainstorming new ways of doing business. From sourcing eco-friendly fabrics to using recycled packaging and reducing our use of plastics, we have come a long way.

Our GHG certification marks some small accomplished steps today, but we are confident that it will help us make even bigger strides into the future.